Friday, June 16, 2006


My blood pressure hasn't been giving me problems so far.... thank BBU! On the other hand, my diabetes has been going all over the place even when eating the right kind of food with the correct portions. My doc decided to pull me off work as of next week ... I kinda was thinking of working till my delivery date but she kindly reminded me that I'm on "Special OB" because of my health issues and that I should think of the baby and my health. I tried to wheedle off at least 1 week telling her that my blood sugars maybe better by then but to no avail ... so now I'll be off work and will be home ... which is good I think. I guess I'm just so used to working 5 days a week ... I feel bad that I'll have less time with the baby being taken off work this early ... I'm gonna try to be off at least 4 1/2 to 5 months. Our budget will be a little challenging for a little while but hey, when is it ever not? I'll also have to go to the doc to have the baby monitored twice a week, Tuesday and Thursdays from now on. I'm sure the time will go by really fast ... baby Priscilla will be here before you know it!

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